About Me

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Film student attending San Diego State University. Focus on editing and/or producing. Ready to explore the world and what it has to offer me. Excited to share and start my life with my sailor. Blogging to look back on my life and relive the good and bad.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

August to September

I've accomplished my internship with TigerLily Media with the right to say I've been a part of a marketing that increased traffic on a Facebook page by over 500% and helped it reach 5,000 likes. It was a great learning experience working with the other interns through Skype and the WWW. I was invited back to stay an intern during the Fall semester but I already know that this upcoming school semester would keep me busy.

I also landed an editing internship with the San Diego Asian Film Foundation that would also take up a good chunk of my life, especially during the end of October when the festival is going on. This is exactly the type of internship I hoped to land before I graduate. The majority of my work is editing but I'm also doing some work behind the camera. So far, I've edited one project featuring Dante Basco aka Rufio from the 1991 film HOOK and helped film two other events. There's plenty of other projects to get started and finish. I'm definitely looking to be a part of filming and editing the How To Fest video that hasn't been renewed for two years. It gives insight to new film festival goers on how to go about the festival when it is their first time. Check out the video I edited below:

As for work, I received great feedback for my first edit with the Janet + Mark pictorial video. I finally got the rest of the footage I've been needed and finished the video within a day. It's a bit of a struggle when you don't have a lot of useable or presentable footage but that's where you have to get creative. I enjoy being an editor and PA during the weddings. I find it more satisfying than working fast food or folding clothes at a retail store. I never felt more happy with my job than right now. Of course, I'm still looking to work as a tutor at Mount Miguel but I haven't heard by from my supervisor. It'll be an on and off season for me since I'll be spending the majority of my time focusing in meeting deadlines for projects and graduating with high notes.

The first week of school was mostly spent on worrying whether I need to take the upper division writing course to graduate. Turns out, they added the requirement for this semester. The major conflict was that the editing class (which is what I'm looking forward to the most) and the writing class conflict. Just about everyone who wanted to graduate was worrying about how to go about this but we've found the solution. We'll still be getting credit for both classes but since we can add classes with conflicting schedules, we have to add one class as a special study class. Voytilla, the writing professor, added everyone trying to crash his class because he can't turn them away. I'll probably be dropping the cinematography class since I don't need it and it's just too much work with what I already have to do. The other class is the advanced film class, which is basically making films based off our own classmates' screenplays. Pitches start next week and I'm excited to hear what everyone has.