About Me

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Film student attending San Diego State University. Focus on editing and/or producing. Ready to explore the world and what it has to offer me. Excited to share and start my life with my sailor. Blogging to look back on my life and relive the good and bad.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Work Pile

Wow. This past couple of weeks was jam-packed with editing projects and screenplays that needed to be written. But I've never been more happy with my professional life. I'm getting lots of practice editing on two different platforms and I'm working on what will be my senior thesis.

This was my most recent and extensive project. I was commissioned by Rommel Andaya of ROMIX Productions to extend the Behind The Scene video for the one year anniversary since the shoot. It was a really fun project to edit. There was a lot of footage to go through but that was part of the fun. I'm happy with the result, but I did lag a little at the end. When Rommel first watched it, he said was interested for the entire video so that's a good sign haha. 

As for my senior thesis, I will be editing a western titled "Something About Death" but the title will eventually change. I've always wanted to do a western. What's more exciting is that we will be filming out in a little landmark town in Arizona, Chloride. The main team members and I actually visited the area last weekend for location scouting. It was generally successful but the only concern we have is the bar location. 

We will be taking a theatre and turning it into a bar. The theatre has a huge space to work with so it needs a lot of set design. Mind you, we will need to build the bar and fill it with tables and chairs and dress it with western-looking memorabilia. It will take a long time to complete. We sounded our concerns to the director/writer, Galen, but he assured us it'll work. Honestly, I'm really happy I'm not part of the production design team. Nevertheless, the scene we are filming in this location basically defines the movie. If this scene does not work, then the entire movie fails with it. 

Another concern is budget. The producer had to drop out of the project and now only three people are paying for most of the film. As of right now, the budget has reached $2,000+. I will expect it to reach $3,000 and possibly even pass it. I hope we can bring in someone that will gladly help contribute to the budget so each of us don't end up paying $1,000 each. 

Beside that, I truly am excited for this project. We secured some legit locations and they will look so amazing on camera. The residents of Chloride have been nothing but helpful to us. That's something hard to find in California. Also, everyone carries a gun in Chloride. 

My current project is a edit for OmniStories. I'm editing the prep montage of the first couple I worked for. The song I'm using is the acoustic version of Lovers in Japan by Coldplay. It's a great song and I need to get started on it asap. For my editing class, I'm making a recut of the movie Hot Fuzz and creating it into a romantic, almost Brokeback Mountain-esque trailer. I'm rather excited to see the result :) I'm also working on a feature screenplay for my Advanced Writing class. The logline of it is this: 

A wedding videography team struggles to produce a Same Day Edit while the co-owners of the company quarrel over their own relationship. Kinah, one of the shooters, is tired of recording happy brides and pressures June, her boyfriend and leader of the team, to turn her into his bride. 

As you can see, I based it on my experiences with my job as a PA for OmniStories. My characters are entirely original though, they do not resemble any of my co-workers. I have a lot of ideas for this. It's like a behind-the-scenes look of a business, almost like the movie Waiting... It will be a comedy, but not romantic since it doesn't end well for the couple haha. But I will do my best with this script so I can add it to my portfolio. The logline only reflects the "Emotional Story" of the script so I definitely need to redefine it.

RIP Steve Jobs.