About Me

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Film student attending San Diego State University. Focus on editing and/or producing. Ready to explore the world and what it has to offer me. Excited to share and start my life with my sailor. Blogging to look back on my life and relive the good and bad.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pro X

I initially heard some great reviews about Final Cut Pro X from my classmates before it came out. Then it finally came out and all I read online were horrible reviews, including one saying this was "Apple's worst release in history." Well, today I finally got my hands on it. Of course, I can't fully understand the program until I actually edit with it but I got the gist of it from the owner.
It's definitely not better than FCP and it falls short on a lot of things. The backlash on Apple happened because editors were expecting something better than the old version. Here's a list of what's missing aka Cons:
  • Chapter Markers
  • Limited Export Settings
  • No Export for Hi-Res JPGs
  • No Support for EDL
  • No XML Import
  • No OMF export
  • No Native Support for Red Raw files
  • No Multicam
  • No Capture from Tape or Output to Tape
  • Limited Options for Arranging Your Workspace
  • No Native Support for Third Party Plugins
  • Support for External Monitoring
  • Inability to Open Projects Saved From Previous FCP Versions
  • Renders in background
  • Synchronize clips feature
  • Keyboard shortcut customization
  • Full screen mode
  • Better support for DSLRs
  • Preview effects on clips in real time
  • Improved audio editing
  • ColorSync
  • No more "Log & Transfer"
  • $300
This will never be a complete list until I actually own the program and used it for myself.

Overall, Final Cut Pro X is a watered-down version of the regular Final Cut Pro and is not meant for professionals. I don't think Apple should get horrible reviews on this product from people that are not meant to use it. 

First Premiere Project

Janet + Mark
This whole week, I've been editing my first project for OmniStories using Adobe Premiere. I really miss Final Cut Pro. I'm all shortcuts with FCP, but with Premiere, I'm moving the mouse to the menu bar, looking for the proper action I need and clicking it. It's a frustrating process and I don't remember ever feeling this way with FCP, but then again, that was years ago. I'm getting used to it every time I use it, even using the blade and speed shortcut. I expressed my frustration on Twitter and got a surprising response back.
I didn't see it 'til a couple days later. I tweeted a couple minutes later realizing that the mistake was my own fault for pressing the track selection shortcut (A) instead of the selection tool (V).
Twitter is such an amazing thing. It allows companies to interact with their customers and directly reply to them like Adobe Premiere did with me. That simple response back made me feel like they really do want to help me out. An awesome marketing tool, it is.
As for my project, I'm not happy with the result. I honestly just put random clips together with the footage that was given to me. I was to edit the pictorials that include the bride and the groom but I only have footage of the groom, and not very good footage, I might add. The camera is very shaky and the content is not very elegant. I feel like my work is amateurish because of the footage and I'm dreading they will make of it. I'm only hoping they are testing me to see what I can do with what I have.
Btw, the Harry Potter movie was amazing. Not perfect, but amazing nevertheless.