About Me

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Film student attending San Diego State University. Focus on editing and/or producing. Ready to explore the world and what it has to offer me. Excited to share and start my life with my sailor. Blogging to look back on my life and relive the good and bad.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Film jargon for clothespin

The Big Lebowski scene study
I don't know where to start. I should have started blogging about my endeavors of filmmaking the moment I realized I wanted to work in film.

This blog will consist of the journey to become an editor and/or producer, the films I've been a part of, movie reviews, production stills, etc. I mainly wanted to start blogging because of my Business of Aspects class. Our midterm and final consist of a journal commenting about our guests in our class, what we learned from it, and how we are progressing in our goals. It proved to be helpful to reflect on what I learned and my goals and I want to keep on doing that even though our last class meeting was Wednesday. So thanks Professor Montel for your class and teaching us to be successful in the business the best way that you can.

Note to self: I need more pictures of myself working on set. Too bad I'm always the one taking production stills. Womp womp.

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