About Me

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Film student attending San Diego State University. Focus on editing and/or producing. Ready to explore the world and what it has to offer me. Excited to share and start my life with my sailor. Blogging to look back on my life and relive the good and bad.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hope has given up on love until she is prescribed a drug that has the power to make her fall in love.

"Chemistry" is my final project for TFM360 - Intermediate Filmmaking. Nora Soto wrote and directed it. I produced it. Banyon Geneva DP'd and edited it. We used the Sony F-3. Amazing camera, btw. The quality is so beautiful, I can't get over it. I wish we could upload the film in HD quality.

Title create by me, Photoshop CS5
I'm happy with the result but the #1 thing I would change about it is the location. The psychiatrist office location was nothing but quiet. Pipes from the air conditioning were constantly banging and can be heard in the talents' dialogue. It pisses me off to the max. We had to fix it with an ADR session but only one of the actors were able to make it in time to fix it for the film festival. But Banyon did an excellent job covering the banging noise. It's still there, but it's not as audible.

My producing skills definitely improved. I'm proud of myself for the job I did, but I should of taken the role to be location manager so we can avoid the whole banging incident. Besides that, I was able to get a good amount of food donations from Henry's, Vons, Albertsons, etc. Plenty of people auditioned for a role in the film and we had a cast of reliable actors that were excited to be a part of "Chemistry." Nora helped me even though her plate was already full. We definitely work well as a group, mainly because we've worked with each other before. It can be difficult to work with other people because they have different creative viewpoints for the film.

I'm excited for TFM560 - Advanced Filmmaking because all of our projects will be original scripts by our classmates. NO MORE SCENES STUDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

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