About Me

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Film student attending San Diego State University. Focus on editing and/or producing. Ready to explore the world and what it has to offer me. Excited to share and start my life with my sailor. Blogging to look back on my life and relive the good and bad.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My next project is an experiment with Adobe Premiere. I need to get used to the program since I wil be using it for my editing job. I'm doing my own trailer for the animated film The Road to El Dorado. There's no particular reason why I chose that film, it was just the most recent movie I watched so I added it to Premiere.
The other window is 30 Rock, which I just started the 5th season on. It's my goal to start/finish the TV shows I never got around to watching- 30 Rock, Weeds and Parks and Rec. Netflix has never been more convenient than right now, especially now since I moved my Wii to my bedroom.
I STILL haven't written a script. I do come up with ideas but they come to me at the most inconvenient times when I don't have something to write it down on or I don't have time to write it down. The only idea I've been able to write down was a dream I had. This is what I wrote:

  • Guy meets engaged girl
  • They met each other with friends
  • Girl's POV
  • He brings her aside
  • The guy is from UK
  • Guys sees ring
  • "I'd give you a chance if I wasn't engaged"
  • "You like my ring?"
  • She feels bad for using him
  • Looks for him, finds him, become friends
Yes, I was the engaged girl in the dream that used the guy for free food. It's something I can start with but I don't know where I would go with it. Will they become more than friends? (Which will bring up a red flag for my fiance even though he has absolutely nothing to worry about) What is that twist that makes the story unique? How will this end? Will people actually want to create this film? As of right now, I don't want to make this film. I got to start getting new ideas and putting them down on paper. But I've always wanted to film something with pretty food so I'll start with that for now.

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